Hi, I'm
I'm a junior full stack developer.
Clean Kut's
An interactive app that tailors the needs of the client based on the barbers in proximity to them while on a map with markers at the same time, creating a personal relationship between them both. Custom search on the go by reviews and check each barber's service, price and duration of said service. Ineractive chatroom to stay in touch and a favorites tab so the client doesn't lose their barber. As developers on this project, we were in constant communication while updating our Trello as tasks were completed as well as reviewing merge requestes. As the lead developer on this project, I would lead "stand ups" and "end of day meetings"
Note: App hosted on free Heroku server. Please allow 15-30s to spin up.
"A monument marketplace for anyone who wants to impress at a party!" The endgame was to create a spoof clone of Airbnb while working with a team of junior developers. The project recreated an actual work enviroment with pushes, merges, migrations and seeds to Git as well as Heroku and being in near constant communication with teammates to meet deadlines. Just as Airbnb, we implemented a booking system, interactive map with markers, authoriazation and authentication of the user and a search bar to find a specific monument.
Note: App hosted on free Heroku server. Please allow 15-30s to spin up.
BMI Calculator
This project consisted of using an API to to calculate a persons BMI number based on weight and height. Also implemented, was a 2 type simple workout schedule using flexbox to organize the information. The website includes a dynamic nav bar with a drop down menu as well as a footer.
Note: App hosted on free Heroku server. Please allow 15-30s to spin up.
This year, I took a leap and transitioned my career into a full stack developer after 7+ years in a results oriented logistics industry. I quickly absorbed new concepts, while bringing ambitious ideas and a positive attitude to every challenge. When I'm not coding, I'm usually in the weight room, testing out a new recipe for the family, or playing hockey with my friends.